The year 2022 is wrapping up in a few days, and we find ourselves in full-on sentimental mode. Soon, you’ll find your socials teeming with self-reflection posts and recaps of the year that was. The common theme for all these? Thankfulness for everything that has been, so far.
A lot’s been said and done already, and whether or not you’re joining this annual social media reflection posting frenzy, what matters is that you get to end the year, and start a new one, on the right note. And, with the right attitude to boot. Here are a few ways to do this.
Say Your Thanks
Whichever way you choose, say it. Drop by your church to say a prayer. Write a journal entry, or two, or however many you want. Whenever you get a chance to thank people who’ve been around for you, now’s a great time to do it. Chances are, they’re in reflection mode, too, and hearing you thank them will surely mean a lot.
Let Others Say Their Piece
We know that not everyone’s a fan of year-end essays on social media. But, just because they don’t appeal to you doesn’t mean you should keep others from doing their thing, right? Let your friends and acquaintances post about the highlights of their year. Allow them to be proud of themselves and express what they’re grateful for. Can’t stand it? You can always hit the unfollow button. They don’t have to know.
Give Back
Got a lot to be grateful for? Take time to pay it forward. Give back, literally, with acts of kindness that people around you can appreciate. It can be as simple as holding the door for someone at the mall, or tipping your delivery rider. Giving a little goes a long way. Express gratefulness by being someone people are thankful for.
Savor the Last Few Days of the Year
We’re down to our last hurrah for the year. Make the most of it by checking in on yourself and others, getting together with those you love most. Be in the moment by focusing on the present, taking note of what you are loving now, and looking forward to what you will be loving next.
The year that still is, and will soon be, the year that was, is surely quite the journey. Wrap it up in thanksgiving, and begin a new one on a high note.